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"What can I say! Marie is a genuinely lovely, warm and kind person. You immediately feel at ease with Marie and you know that you are in amazing hands. I would say that Marie has brought about transformational change in my professional and personal life. Marie is a wonderfully positive person and influential coach, who uses sophisticated techniques in her daily practice to overcome obstacles. I would highly recommend her to anybody who is looking for a skilled transformational coach."


(Claire MacDonald: EMEAR Regional Lead)

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Mary Oliver

Career and Interview Coaching


Career Progression Coaching:


I support professionals in enhancing your soft skills which are vital for career progression, as well as developing your strengths, so you have the confidence to navigate work challenges and maximise your performance, and therefore achieve the success you are looking for.


Career Transition Coaching:


I provide individuals seeking a new role with a career coaching programme to help you map out a new direction and to help you secure a meaningful and rewarding role you love, which not only aligns with who you are, but also provides you with a new found identity and purpose.


Interview Coaching:


I help professionals to successfully navigate any interview process and to avoid the many pitfalls, equipping you with a well-articulated and clear message that is delivered with confidence, thereby providing you with the very best opportunity for success.


Executive and Transformational Mindset Coaching: for private individuals or within organisations


Stress and Anxiety:


I provide individuals who have busy and demanding careers and lives, with a highly effective coaching programme so that you are able to achieve success in a calm and stress-free way.


Leadership Coaching:


I help professionals transition into more senior and / or new leadership roles. I work with you to enhance your soft skills and develop your unique leadership style so that you become a compassionate, confident, effective and respected leader.


Imposter Syndrome:


I support individuals in overcoming imposter syndrome so that you fully believe in yourself and are able to embrace every challenge in an empowered and unstoppable way. Read case study


Confidence and Self-Belief:


I help individuals who are lacking in confidence to find lasting inner self-belief. The end result is that you feel more confident in yourself and in all areas of your life, which enables you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace every challenge and stretch yourself to grow and achieve your goals.


Reaching Your Full Potential:


If you are holding yourself back in some way, I help you to identify how you are (unknowingly) sabotaging yourself. It may be through procrastination, seeking perfection, fear of failure, or one of the many other ways we get in our own way. I provide you with awareness of what is causing your ‘stuckness’, as well as the tools and understanding to overcome this so that you can be your best self, successfully achieve your goals and ultimately feel good about yourself.


Performance Coaching / Solving Business Problems:


I partner with business owners to help you solve problems related to enhancing the performance of individuals in the organisation, such as improving relationships within teams, increasing motivation, growing confidence and managing stress and overwhelm. This results in higher revenue generation, greater staff retention, improved productivity and increased satisfaction among employees, as well as creating a more enjoyable and happier culture within which to work.


For more insight as to how I have helped individuals and organisations, please read my case studies.


© 2020 bold bean coaching  |  bold bean coaching Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Company no. 10600065 

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